Christmas fundraiser for St Pete’s Pantry

This Christmas, Niclin want to make a positive difference for people in our community.

We are focusing our efforts to help support St Pete’s Pantry, a registered Charity who provide free food hampers, a listening ear and a helping hand for those who are doing it tough; helping get them back on track.

St Pete’s Pantry is located in Wynnum and is an outreach program providing free food hampers to homeless, singles/couples and families, along with a Monday Brekky Club.

They helped 250 people in the past month and it continues to grow.
They are desperate for toilet rolls, deodorant (roll-on only), shampoo & conditioner – to make up their Hygiene packs – so our funds raised can help here.

Services provided: Pantry open Mon, Wed & Fri 9-11am + a Monday Breaky Club 8:30-10:30am

We encourage you to help spread the word and help us raise funds for this worthy Charity.

Monies raised will be given to St Pete’s Pantry to help during this busy Christmas period. Right now, they are desperate for toilet rolls, deodorant (roll-on), shampoo and conditioner, so your contribution will help them get these much-needed items. Funds raised will also go towards creating their free food hampers.

We’ve setup a campaign via and hope to raise $800.  Can you help?

Donate Today!
